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Department of Probability and Statistics
Cooperation with the economy
According to CareerCast data for 2021, data analyst, statistician, mathematician, university professor, actuary are among the 10 best professions in the world. Most of the graduates of Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics find their first jobs in exactly these positions in banks, insurance companies, IT companies, etc.
During undergraduate and master's studies, through mandatory professional practice, guest lectures and other gatherings in which representatives of companies, including many of our former students, participate, students can get to know some of the mentioned professions.
One of the types of cooperation with company representatives is the organization of joint competitions. For example, in 2019 we organized Datathon in cooperation with Raiffeisen Bank.
Our teachers and associates support and participate in numerous events organized by SUMA , the aim of which is to familiarize students with the possibilities for their future careers. The latest in a series of such activities is the competition for high school students. HS Algorithm.
Experiences of our students
Anastasija Pešić
PhD student at Humboldt University in Berlin
completed her basic studies in 2019
Matf is an excellent choice, because I think it provides quality math education. From the current point of view, I could not say that it lags behind other European universities, on the contrary! The V major (SAFM) is a good choice for students who, apart from being very fond of mathematics/computer science, do not want to limit themselves prematurely in a professional sense - this major leaves room for changing the decision about the future profession, whether you want to do science or you move into industry (machine learning, data analysis, optimization, etc.) matf is a great choice, because I feel it gives quality math education. From the current point of view, I could not say that it lags behind other European universities, on the contrary!
My strongest impression of Matf is the amount of good people (both among students and employees) and good friends with whom I am still in contact.
Anica Miladinović (Stamenić)
Senior Data Scientist, I&F group
completed basic studies in 2017, master in 2018.
The faculty's contribution is mostly reflected in the provision of basic and specialized theoretical knowledge and the discovery of a variety of different areas of their application, fostering a critical and analytical way of thinking, establishing work habits and striving for achievements. When we talk about career development, there are student meetings with companies and their representatives, engagements of individual professors aimed at connecting with industry, offers of jobs and internships advertised on the Faculty's portals/website, and the like. The most important courses in my later career are professional courses in Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics.
Nevena Ćirić
Head of the actuarial and development unit and authorized actuary, OTP Insurance
completed her basic studies in 2011, master's degree in 2013.
The field of Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics is an excellent foundation for anyone who wants to do actuarial work and likes to apply the acquired knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics. Persistence, critical thinking and analytical skills are skills acquired at university, and they are valuable at work because they always lead us to the optimal solution. Actuarial science and data analysis are increasingly intertwined, and work in statistical software is implied, which is already included in the major's program.
Đorđe Petković
Data Scientist, Flaschenpost
completed his basic studies in 2011
I completed my master's degree in economics at the Central European University in Budapest.
Matf gave me a key foundation for doing data science: a way of thinking and knowledge of statistics and programming. The most important courses for me were statistics and statistical software.
Ilija-Petar Milić
completed his basic studies in 2021, master's degree in 2022
The Faculty of Mathematics provides very deep theoretical knowledge, which forms a specific way of thinking, and thus an advantage in application, both in a professional career and in everyday life. I consider a thorough approach to complex problems, as well as the ability to choose adequate mathematical methods to solve them, to be one of the key skills acquired during my studies. The field of probability and statistics provides a different perspective on the world, which is full of events with an uncertain outcome and various data. Specific knowledge provides a basis for modeling processes from the real world, which results in a better understanding of them, as well as the possibility of making better decisions. Some of these mathematical tools form the foundation for modern scientific disciplines, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Certainly, the applications of acquired knowledge are almost endless,
Dr. Eleonora Kreačić
Research Scientist at J.P. Morgan AI Research
completed basic studies in 2011, master's degree in 2012
After completing my undergraduate and master's studies in the field of Probability, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics, in 2012 I started the path of professional development in the financial stability sector at the National Bank of Serbia. Not long after, in 2013, I continued my academic training in the form of doctoral studies in the field of Probability at the Departments of Statistics, University of Oxford. My PhD thesis deals with the asymptotic properties of some statistics of random graphs from the perspective of Theoretical Probability. After completing my doctoral studies, I got a job as a Quantitative researcher within the Global Markets Division at JP Morgan in London, and after three years in that position, I started a new chapter in the same company as an Artificial intelligence scientist within the JP Morgan AI Research team.
I remember the Faculty of Mathematics for the atmosphere of curiosity, the personal enthusiasm of the lecturers and their willingness to share knowledge and encourage scientific enthusiasm, and of course the Analysis 3 exam! Colleagues from the group spent a lot of time together socializing, taking coffee breaks, working on seminar papers, and of course we went to the unforgettable Primatijada. To current and potential future students: If you're wondering if learning all those theorems will do any good - it will! You are well on your way to starting a successful career!
Vildana Bakarević
Data scientiest, Propeler centar
PhD student at the Faculty of Mathematics completed her basic studies in 2019, master's in 2021
First of all, I think that MATF is a good choice only for someone who really wants it and loves mathematics, and if that's the case, then MATF also provides excellent support in terms of knowledge and skills that are naturally upgraded later and one more important thing, which is is what teaches us to be persistent and persistent in everything we do.
I think that Data Science is a very promising and universally applicable field that is increasingly popular all over the world and that Matf gave me a good foundation for it.
The entire faculty and studying was a great experience for me, but as the most interesting part of my studies, I would single out choosing a topic and researching for my master's thesis.
Siniša Lukić
completed his basic studies in 2021
It can be said that before enrolling in the Faculty of Mathematics, I was not good at mathematics nor did I have a strong background, but after only a few months of studying I fell in love with mathematics and later, more precisely, probability and statistics. The professor's high level of knowledge and detail helped me develop a special logical way of thinking that helped me in my business life, as well as the ease of completing my master's studies abroad.
Predrag Pilipović,
doctoral student at the University of Copenhagen
completed his basic studies in 2019, master's degree in 2021
As a former student of the Faculty of Mathematics, I was not satisfied with the way of working on it. Now, when I have three European universities behind me (Grenoble, Copenhagen, Bielefeld), I realize that there is nothing better outside MATF. On the contrary, the way of working at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade cannot be compared with the classic European approach. At MATF, we are taught to think and deeply understand the essence of mathematics, without losing sight of the breadth. So, not only do we encounter a wide spectrum from mathematics and statistics, but we get an in-depth perspective for each of them. Which turned out to be very useful for advancement in the academic world.
Ana Nikolić
Data Scientist
Risk control, Raiffeisen Bank
completed basic studies in 2019, master in 2021
The knowledge gained at Matfa proved to be an excellent basis for further upgrading in the industry, where they find a wide range of applications. I think that matfa students are taught to be thorough, precise, to connect and easily acquire new knowledge from various fields, not necessarily related to statistics. These are some of the qualities that make them stand out from the crowd, wherever they are. During my studies it is sometimes difficult not to think that what we learn is useless, but so far I have been surprised many times that I need exactly what I thought I would never need. Whoever completes Matf really doesn't have to worry about his future career. He will have the opportunity to choose work, not to look for it.
Ana Čukić (Tomić)
Business intelligence developer
Phoenix pharma
completed basic studies in 2014, master in 2017
In recent years, the terms Business Intelligence - BI, Artificial Intelligence - AI, Data Driven company have become increasingly popular. Working with data, how to process it, display it, and draw conclusions based on the obtained results is becoming more and more in demand both on the global business market and here. This major at the Faculty of Mathematics represents the area of mathematics that is most dedicated to working with data, statistical analysis, predictions, and is the best introduction for further personal development in this major. If I were to look at my beginning, the current business challenges, I could first say that the knowledge and skills I acquired at the university helped me to continue working with data and improving myself in this direction. Application of statistical methods, testing of statistical hypotheses, getting to know software for data processing contributed the most to my further choice of profession. As someone who likes to work with data, I sincerely recommend this course as a good introduction to the further story.
Marijana Palibrk
Game Mathematician, IGT
basic studies completed in 2016, master in 2020
Професори и асистенти са модула Статистика, актуарска и фининасијска мататика поред теоријског и практичног знања из различитих области математике такође нас уче како да приступамо и нађемо креативно решење разноврсних проблема, што нам је пружило могућност да се развијамо и припремимо за различите врсте послова у овој области. То су послови на којима нам је пружена прилика да будемо цењени као запослени у различитим индустријама.
Након завршеног школовања запослила сам се у Републичком заводу за статистику као статистичар где сам примењивала знање о статистичким моделима које сам стекла на факултету. Три године касније у жељи да се још више развијем у области вероватноће, статиске и програмирања запошљавам се у компанији IGT као Game mathematician где свакодневно примењујем знање из поменутих области. Развој моје креативности у тумачењу, примени и развоју у индустрији игара започело је управо на факултету и припремило ме на прави начин на изазове који су испред мене у мом свакодневном раду.
Dajana Panović
Product Manadger, Valsera
completed basic studies in 2016, master in 2018.
The Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics major is a great starting point for anyone who wants to have any contact with statistical analysis, machine learning, data visualization and other related disciplines in their further work. The acquired base is extremely high-quality, the knowledge is easily upgraded and applied to different areas. There are few faculties that provide such a variety of direction and job selection as MATF.
The professors are dedicated and supportive of the students' personal affinities. In my case, besides mathematics, my great interest is biology. I primarily encountered the application of statistics in that discipline through my master's thesis, with which, working with my mentor, I understood the direction in which I wanted to continue developing. Today, I apply the acquired knowledge almost every day in a bioinformatics company and I am very happy because what I learned during my studies can be directly or indirectly applied.
Žikica Lukić
PhD student at the Department of Probability and Statistics
Biostatistician, Parexel
Completed undergraduate studies in 2019, master's degree in 2020
Basic studies in Statistics, actuarial and financial mathematics provide a good basis for further training in a professional career in the economy, especially in the field of finance. For me, the financial mathematics course represented a sufficient introduction to the field of finance, which I have been very successful in for many years. Also, the student has the basic knowledge needed to deal with the analysis of biomedical data. The foundation for a career in that field is gained in linear statistical models and mathematical statistics. I would recommend students who are in love with statistics for the sake of statistics to pay particular attention to functional analysis, without which a deeper understanding of statistics is not possible. It should not be forgotten that the Department is a unique place at the University of Belgrade where it also deals with theoretical statistics as a science. The program of doctoral studies is adapted to the needs of each candidate, and it is possible, with good organization, to harmonize it with a successful career in the economy. Fruitful discussions with professors help to understand more deeply the essence of the problem and get an answer to "why". It is of great help in further advancement and professional career.
Marijana Avalić
Senior Quantitative Analyst ,CIF
basic studies completed in 2015, master in 2017
During my studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, I had the opportunity to learn from professional and dedicated professors and assistants, but also to meet colleagues who became my friends for life. The way of thinking and work habits cultivated at the university helped me develop skills such as solving complex problems and teamwork, which benefited me in many situations in my professional life. The basis that is common to all majors allowed me to acquire theoretical knowledge, to understand the application of mathematics in different spheres, an abstract way of thinking and logical reasoning.
The range of areas I was introduced to in the module and in the Masters, such as probability, statistics, actuarial, modelling, finance, fundamentals of programming - provide a more practical view and are a great combination that allows you to choose the direction in which you would like your career to develop. The knowledge and skills I acquired here gave me a great foundation for jobs in IT companies and financial institutions, enabled me to better understand problems and make decisions more easily.
Ivana Rogić
Quality Assurance Manager, FIS
basic studies completed in 2015, master in 2018.
After graduating from the Faculty of Mathematics, majoring in Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, I had the opportunity to join the FinTech company FIS as a software tester. The knowledge gained in this course allowed me to quickly grasp complex financial concepts and apply them in software testing. The logical thinking skills I gained in college were key to finding meaningful test scenarios and identifying potential problems. Also, object-oriented programming was an important part of my study program, knowing the basic principles and concepts helped me understand the code and write automatic tests in Java, which increased the efficiency of the testing process. Thanks to these skills, I have advanced in my career, so now I lead a team of 10 people and continuously apply my math and programming skills in my daily work. For the last few years, I have also participated in the selection of candidates for my team and from my experience I can conclude that students of the Faculty of Mathematics are highly valued and sought after in companies like mine. Their logical thinking ability, analytical skills and technological knowledge make them valuable resources for software development organizations.
Danijel Subotić
Data Scientist, ASW Inženjering l
Undergraduate studies completed in 2016, master's degree in 2017
Jelena Lazić (Rogić)
Senior Data Analyst, Credit Risk Modeling Department, Raiffeisen bank
completed basic studies in 2015, master in 2018
As a former student at the Faculty of Mathematics, majoring in Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics, I gained invaluable knowledge and experience that guided me towards a successful career. After completing my studies, I joined the modeling team of Raiffeisen Bank as a Data Analyst, where I work daily on statistical data analysis, model development and time series analysis.
At the university, I was surrounded by top professors and experts in the field of mathematics. Their professional knowledge, mentoring and support allowed me to develop as a mathematician and acquire the skills that are necessary in my professional work today. Also, through various courses and projects, I had the opportunity to familiarize myself with various tools and software used in the industry.
What is interesting is that most of my team members also come from the Faculty of Mathematics. It's really inspiring because we have the opportunity to share ideas together, solve challenges and develop innovative approaches in data analysis. The mathematical knowledge we acquired during our studies proves to be valuable and useful in our daily work.
Aleksandra Zdravković
KULeuven, a master's student in the Statistics and Data Science program
completed her basic studies in 2021.
Basic studies in Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics were crucial for my further education. The strong mathematical foundation as well as the theoretical knowledge of statistics acquired at the Faculty of Mathematics is the main reason that I easily continued my master's studies at the University of Louvain. Professors and assistants are extremely professional, dedicated and always ready to help students not only in work and research, but also in career counseling. During my undergraduate studies, I had many opportunities for professional development through research projects and symposiums. In particular, I would like to highlight the 21st European Young Statisticians Meeting, which was organized by the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade in 2019. At EYSM, I had the opportunity to become familiar with the trends in the world of modern statistics as well as with the world's leading experts through volunteering.
Dina Kisselev (Janković)
San Francisco, California
Data Scientist, Square,
completed basic studies in 2016
The knowledge I gained by listening to courses in Probability and Statistics helped me a lot later on in my Master's studies and in various business engagements. Completing my Master's studies in Canada was not difficult for me, and I apply at work what we learned from, for example, time series, statistical programming, probability theory, etc. Through working with talented people in Canada and the USA, I concluded that at MATF we have a unique opportunity to acquire global knowledge in a domestic environment that rivals prestigious world universities, thanks to highly dedicated professors and assistants who truly selflessly teach future generations of Data Science & IT professionals.
Milijana Svitlica
Manager in analytics
Etihad Airways, United Arab Emirates
completed basic studies in 2018, master in 2020
I have recently been working as a manager in analytics, having previously worked as a Data Scientist at the same company. The goal of analytics in the economy is always to generate incremental value to the functioning of the organization. Data Science achieves this by applying mathematical algorithms, statistical methods and computing technologies to the available data. It is about an interesting cohesion of science, technology and economy.
The SAFM course at the Faculty of Mathematics is an ideal place to acquire basic knowledge on which Data Science is based. Deep understanding of random variables, distributions, stochastic processes, statistical evaluation, etc. is clearly applicable in this area. But even on top of that, it would be hard to single out a branch of mathematics that hasn't yet found a way to apply it to machine learning problems. The importance of learning theoretical mathematics itself is huge, because it develops the skills of logical reasoning and analytical problem solving. Finally, the courses where students learn programming are extremely useful. It is possible to be successful as a Data Scientist without detailed knowledge of all the above aspects, but someone who successfully passes MATF has a high chance of becoming respected in this profession. In today's world of astonishing technological development, new learning content is constantly appearing. Each individual ultimately finds their own approach to navigating that world of innovation. Also, learning a lot about the organization's business domain is a necessity in the Data Science profession. That's what awaits you after college. What fulfills me in my daily work is the creative process. Starting from a given problem, it is up to me to design a solution methodology that relies on some theoretical knowledge applied to concrete data; then I move on to the engineering work of implementation in the form of program code and design of system automation. What fulfills me in my daily work is the creative process. Starting from a given problem, it is up to me to design a solution methodology that relies on some theoretical knowledge applied to concrete data; then I move on to the engineering work of implementation in the form of program code and design of system automation. What fulfills me in my daily work is the creative process. Starting from a given problem, it is up to me to design a solution methodology that relies on some theoretical knowledge applied to concrete data; then I move on to the engineering work of implementation in the form of program code and design of system automation.
For many of us, the student period was not easy. As a reward for the persistence and perseverance that we then show, paths to success open up that can mark the entire professional life. Dear future and current students, someone wise once said ‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.’
Sofija Čarkilović
Senior Data Analyst, EyeSee
completed basic studies in 2015, master in 2016
The Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade was my great desire to study, and even though later the path of studying was not easy at all, that period is one of the most beautiful in my life. I made lifelong friends there; there I met wonderful people, colleagues with whom I still have the freedom to share experiences and advice for various business spheres; there I had the opportunity to collaborate and learn from the greatest experts in many mathematical fields; there I acquired work habits and the ability to study, no matter what the subject was. And most importantly, there I got the best foundation in knowledge - not only in terms of mathematics, but also the basics of programming, and especially in the field of probability and statistics, which is offered by the Statistics, Actuarial and Financial Mathematics module.
All of that together enabled me to give my best in whatever work environment I was in and to properly overcome all the business challenges that my daily work put in front of me. Analytical thinking, acquired knowledge and skills helped me to get my opinion and proposals heard and accepted, which is an indication that the Faculty of Mathematics makes us experts in our field.
Nikola Roganović
Risk analyst, Banca Intesa Beograd
completed his basic studies in 2022
By studying at MATF, through acquired knowledge and way of thinking, a serious foundation is built for many different directions of improvement. As time goes by, through work and further training, I see more and more the quality of the program I went through in the field of probability and statistics. From the professors and assistants of this department, I received a great amount of knowledge, but perhaps more importantly, support, direction and motivation at every step through my studies.
Petar Korović
Republic Institute of Statistics
Assistant Director of the Department for Finances, Legal Affairs and Elections
completed basic studies in 2015, master's degree in 2016
As a former student of the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade, where I obtained a master's degree in mathematics from the Department of Probability and Statistics in 2016, I would like to share my experience and give sincere recommendations to all young prospective people who are thinking about their future in this field.
Thinking today, from the position of assistant director of the Department for Finances, Legal Affairs and Elections of the Republic Institute of Statistics, which entails the application of a wide variety of specific knowledge in the fields of economics, law, human resources and organization, the most natural conclusion is that for the results I achieved the directly meritorious ability to see situations from different angles, to project a broader picture, to react quickly and to find possible options for action, which is certainly a consequence of studying at such a demanding and program-rich department.
Probability and statistics, as postulates not only in business, but also in the general life development of each individual, definitely constitute one of "those" triggers for success, which I was introduced to at university, mastered with the help of excellent professors, and definitely appropriated.
Olja Rakulj (Latinović)
Data Analyst, Bravo Systems
completed basic studies in 2015, master in 2016
Након завршеног факултета радила сам на три различита посла, од којих сви имају везе са смјером статистика, актуарска и финансијска математика. Током скоро двије године рада у осигуравајућем друштву на актуарским пословима, пет година као Product Specialist у IT компанији која производи финансијске софтвере за банке, и тренутно као аналитичар података, примјењивала сам знање које сам стекла на Математичком факултету. Прије свега, ту мислим на саму математичку логику и критички и аналитички начин размишљања који је користан за све послове, а затим и основе финансија, актуарства, програмирања, анализе података користећи разне статистичке методе, посебно кроз статистичке софтвере и програмски језик R. Стечено знање је веома широко и још увијек доста тога нисам стигла да примијеним на послу, зато знам да имам још простора да својим знањем унаприједим посао.
Zorana Aleksić
Data Analyst, Erste Bank
completed her basic studies in 2020, master's degree in 2022
By studying at MATF, I gained knowledge in various fields, which I could later apply in the industry. The way of thinking, more precisely, analytical thinking, is, in my opinion, the most important skill that I developed at the university. Such a way of thinking has proven to be vital for the ability to cope and adapt at work. Perseverance and persistence are undoubtedly essential to studying at MATF and will prove even more beneficial in future business endeavors. Personally, I would single out the courses in statistics, software and programming, the course Linear Statistical Models, Elements of Financial Mathematics and Machine Learning. Attending the mentioned courses will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge that is extremely applicable and desirable in today's industry and that can open many doors in the IT sphere.
Лидија Томанић
Product Analytics Associate, Embroker
основне студије завршила 2020, мастер 2023. године
На Математичком факултету је математика не само научна дисциплина, већ начин размишљања који обогаћује студенте. В смер пружа добре основе за дата сциенце, усмеравајући студенте ка статистици, програмирању и логичком размишљању. Професори са високим стандардима и изазовни курсеви стварају упорне и истрајне студенте. Последице студирања на МАТФ-у нису само знања из математике, већ и аналитичко размишљање, истрајност и прилагођавање, што студентима отвара врата у многим индустријама.
Милица Влајчић
докторанд на Катедри за Анимацију у инжењерству, Факултет техничких наука
основне студије завршила 2018. године, а мастер 2023. године
Основне и мастер студије сам завршила на Катедри за Статистику, актуарску и финансијску математику у оквиру Математичког факултета у Београду. Своју каријеру започела сам радом у просвети и активним држањем приватних часова, још пре него што сам дипломирала.
Затим сам као .NET програмер имала искуство кроз праксу и посао у фирмама ТNation, Аssеcо и Републичком Заводу за статистику.
Сада се бавим 3D анимацијом која се на знање математике и програмирања надовезала уз додатно проучавање физике и учење потребних програмских алата. Поред тога, професионално се бавим организацијом догађаја и косплејом.
Свакако да В смер пружа доста опција, али уз напомену да свака од делатности која се надовезује на завршавање овог модула изискује доста додатног, па и самосталног рада, пре него сшто се нађе конкретан посао у струци.
Мени су студентски дани остали у лепом сећању због колега и атмосфере, док у нешто мање лепом сећању због здравствених проблема због којих сам морала да паузирам студирање одмах након што сам трећу годину уписала на терет буџета. Сматрам да је требало мање да се форсирам. Свеједно опраштам себи и поносна сам што сам ипак започето изгурала до краја.
Јако ми је пријало што ми је менторка, проф. Јелена Јоцковић, дозволила да сама измислим тему свог мастер рада и писем о „Математичким аспектима игре на срећу рулет“. Ту сам имплементирала своје искуство везано за рад у казину, а због оригиналности приступа била сам и стипендиста швајцарске компаније, AskMeWhy, током мастер студија.
Никада нисам зажалила што сам уписала Матф, јер ми је доста тешко да пуно ствари памтим. Самим тим ми је ово био један од факултета који бих најлакше завршила. Kада се градиво логички схвати, не остаје пуно ствари које треба знати „напамет“ осим можда неких имена теорема.
Охрабрила бих оног ко ме пита за мишљење, да упише овај факултет и смер, ако има искрену зељу да о овој области зна више и ако сматра да би му пријао сам процес студирања, односно начин на који се математика учи.