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Department of Probability and Statistics
Seminar of the Department
About the seminar
The Department of Probability and Statistics at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Belgrade organizes regular seminars where scientific results from various fields of probability and statistics are presented, both by researchers from the Faculty of Mathematics and visiting researchers from the country and abroad.
At the seminar of the Department of Probability and Statistics, in addition to the original scientific results of the participants of the seminar, popular lectures by representatives of companies and other organizations, presentations of selected scientific papers as part of obligations for doctoral studies, etc. are presented.
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Наредни састанак семинара одржаће се у среду, 6. новембра 2024. у 16:15 у сали 840:
Леа Кункел (Институт за технологију у Карлсруеу, Немачка)
Summary: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have attracted much attention since their
introduction by Goodfellow el al. (2014), initially due to impressive results in the
creation of photorealistic images. Meanwhile, the areas of application have expanded
far beyond this, and GANs serve as a prototypical example of the rapidly developing
experimental and theoretical research area of generative models.
The statistical literature focuses mainly on Wasserstein GANs and their
generalizations, which allow for good dimension reduction properties. Statistical
results for vanilla GANs, the original optimization problem, are still rather limited
and require assumptions such as smooth activation functions and equal dimensions
of the latent space and the ambient space.
To bridge this gap, we draw a connection from vanilla GANs to the Wasserstein distance. In doing so, existing results for Wasserstein GANs can be extended to vanilla GANs. In particular, we obtain an oracle inequality for vanilla GANs in Wasserstein distance. The assumptions of this oracle inequality are designed to be satisfied by commonly used network architectures, such as feedforward ReLU networks. By providing a quantitative result for the approximation of a Lipschitz function by a feedforward ReLU network with bounded Hölder norm, we conclude a convergence rate for Vanilla GANs.
Seminar announcements
Archive of lectures held since the 2022/23 school year
- 6.11.2024. Леа Кункел (Институт за технологију у Карлсруеу, Немачка): A Wasserstein perspective of vanilla GAN's
- 16.10.2024. Артјом Прохоров (Универзитет у Сиднеју, Аустралија): Casually about casual: Neyman orthogonality and M/P redundancy, with application to production frontier models
- 18.9.2024. Кристина Матовић (докторанд МАТФ и Институт Vlatacom): Диференцијална приватност у временским серијама: изазови очувања приватности у ери дигитализације
- 18.9.2024. Јелена Радојевић (МАТФ): Метода за смањење димензије података заснована на Пирсоновом коефицијенту корелације
- 5.9.2024. др Димитрије Цицмиловић (Дојче банкa): Exact filters and parameter estimation for Markov modulated time-discreet logistic growth processes
- 13.3.2024. др Вук Вујовић (Природно-математички факултет, Ниш): Стохастички хепатитис Ц модели
- 28.2.2024. др Иван Танасијевић (Истраживачко-развојни институт за вештачку интелигенцију): Примене вештачке интелигенције и дизајну нових лекова
- 27.12.2023. Дамјан Крстајић (Истраживачки центар за хемијску информатику, Београд): Мноштво података у науци је озбиљан проблем
- 20.12.2023. Никола Васиљевић и Лука Билић (Mad Head Games): Crunching numbers: a comprehensive look at analytic integration in our game development pipeline
- 6.12.2023. проф.др Милош Божовић (Економски факултет УБ): VIX-managed portfolios
- 22.11.2023. Жикица Лукић (докторанд МАТФ): Статистички тестови на случајним матрицама и њихова примена у анализи криптовалута
- 15.11.2023. проф. др Дражен Пантић (YouReputation, Њујорк): Математичко путовање: од стохастичког рачуна до вештачке интелигенције
- 18.10.2023. доц. др Јелена Станојевић (Економски факултет УБ): Неке расподеле које прате Бенфордов закон. Симулације и анализа реалних података
- 10.10.2023. проф. др Бернард Клар (Институт за технологију у Карлсруеу, Немачка): Smooth distribution function estimation for lifetime distributions using Szasz-Mirakyan operators
- 23.5.2023. Dr. Abid Hussain (Mian Shahbaz Sharif College in Rawalpindi, Pakistan): Uses of Rank Transformations in Non-parametric Statistics
- 19.5.2023. Dr. Anica Kostić (LSE - London School of Economics): Change point ideas in multiple testing
- 9/5/2023 Dr. Milan Bradonjić (Šnajder elektrik): Learning the behavior and grouping of users on a large scale
- 18.4.2023. Milena Vuletić (University of Oxford): Fin-Gan: Forecasting and Classifying Financial Time Series via Generative Adversarial Networks
- 28.3.2023. Danijel Aleksić (FON): Differential privacy: the challenge of preserving it in a non-adult sample
- 28.3.2023. Andrijana Marjanović (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering): Mechanism of local differential privacy when generating movie recommendations
- 14.3.2023. Nevena Ćirić (OTP Insurance): Actuarial mathematics at work and the role of mathematicians in insurance
- 7.3.2023. Lazar Čolić (UB Faculty of Economics): Application of Bayesian models in the analysis of the effects of the regulatory state on consumer decision-making
- 23.12.2022. Bojana Todić (MATF): Some new variants of the coupon collection problem
- 7.12.2022. Anna Merkle (MATF): The concept of stochastic predictability of filtrations and processes
Old seminars
The list of lectures held at the Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Seminarwhich ran from 1996 to 2022, can be seen here. Information about the Probability and Applications Seminar, which ran until 1993, can be seen on the next page.